Important Tips for SBI PO Prelims 2020

Important Tips for SBI PO Prelims 2020


The State Bank of India will soon release the SBI PO 2020 notification for the post of Probationary Officers. Candidates planning to appear for the upcoming SBI PO Prelims Examination are advised to refer to the official website of SBI. The SBI PO Admit Card for Prelims Examination is expected to be released in the month of May.

Since a large number of candidates appear for the SBI Exams every year, the competition remains high. Therefore, the candidates must follow a standard preparation strategy for their exam. The tentative date for SBI PO Prelims 2020 Examination is 1st June 2020.

SBI PO Prelims Exam Pattern

Before applying for any examination, it is very important to be familiar with the exam pattern and marking system of that particular exam. The table below contains detailed information about SBI PO Prelims Exam Pattern:

SBI PO Exam Pattern 2020
SBI PO Preliminary Exam Subjects Number of Questions Marks Duration
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
English Language 30 30 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes

Preparation Strategy for SBI PO Prelims 2020

Since there are only a few months left for the SBI PO Prelims 2020, the candidates should kick start their preparation soon. Given below are some of the strategy tips for SBI PO Preparation:

  1. Proper Distribution of SBI PO Prelims Syllabus

A proper division of the syllabus will help in building time management of the candidate. Candidates are advised to give more weightage to the important topics. The probability of questions coming from the important topics is much higher than the topics which are less common. This may increase the overall score of the candidate.

  1. Solve SBI PO Question Papers & Mock Tests regularly

SBI PO Mock Test and Previous Year Papers have an important role in helping the candidates to prepare well for the examination. Solving the SBI PO Previous Year Papers on a daily basis will also help the candidates to be familiar with the exam pattern and strategy. It helps in improving the speed of the candidate. The more regularly a candidate attempts the mock tests, the more he/she will enhance his speed.

  1. Learn important tricks & formulas

Candidates appearing for the upcoming SBI PO Prelims Exam should have a clear concept of the logical reasoning section. The Reasoning Ability is an important part of SBI PO Syllabus and tests the logical thinking capability of the candidates. Candidates are advised to make a separate notebook to list down all the important formulas and topics. Regular revision of these formulas will help the candidate to score well in the SBI PO Prelims exam 2020.

  1. Maintain a fixed timetable

A candidate should set a comfortable timetable before starting with their preparation. Distributing the subjects as per the time table will help in effective preparation. Doing so, will help him/her to score well in the examination.

Apart from following these exam strategies, the candidates should also remain stress-free and should not panic in the examination hall. Doing so may lead to occurrence of some major mistakes in the examination.

General Instructions for SBI PO Admit Card 2020

The State Bank of India releases the SBI PO Admit Card ten days prior to the exam date. SBI PO Prelims Admit Card 2020 can be downloaded from the official website of SBI. Candidates are advised to carry their SBI PO Admit Card on the day of examination. Candidates failing to bring their admit cards will not be permitted to enter into the exam hall.

Given below are the details mentioned on the SBI PO Admit Card:

  • Exam venue
  • Date of examination
  • Application / Registration number
  • Exam date
  • Post applied for
  • General Instructions

Candidates should also carry some of the following supporting documents, along with the SBI PO Admit Card for verification purposes:

  • A recent passport size photo.
  • A photo ID proof (Aadhar Card/Driving License/ PAN Card, etc.).
  • A Caste Certificate for Reservation Claim, if required.


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